Code of Conduct

Westview School Code of Conduct

Our Student Code of Conduct exists to ensure that each student and staff member has access to a welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environment that respects diversity and fosters a sense of belonging. The Code of Conduct ensures that our school promotes a culture of wellness that: 

  • Establishes and maintains a welcoming, caring, respectful, and safe learning environment for all students, staff, families and the greater community;
  • Establishes and maintains an appropriate balance between individual and collective rights, freedoms, and responsibilities in the school community;
  • Establishes expectations for student behavior while at school, at a school-related activity, or while engaging in an activity at any time that may have an impact on others in the school; and
  • Ensures that healthy environments exist in our school that are free from fear, discrimination and harassment while promoting inclusive strategies to ensure that every student is treated with respect and dignity. Parkland School Division is a place where exploration, creativity and imagination make learning exciting and where all learners aspire to reach their dreams.

The following commitments are essential to a successful school program and purposeful life:

  • Westview School students will pursue academic excellence and show respect for teaching and learning to the best of their ability.
  • Westview School students will promote responsibility, respect and kindness.
  • Westview School students will demonstrate strong positive character.
  • Westview School students will accept and honor all people including those who appear different from themselves.
  • Westview School students will treat all members of the school community with courtesy and respect.

In keeping with a commitment to the Alberta Human Rights Act and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, in Parkland School Division everyone is accepted and experiences a sense of belonging. The Division supports the endeavors of staff, students, parents and the community to promote positive student behavior and conduct throughout our community of schools.

Parkland School Division has a responsibility to ensure that each student enrolled in a school operated by the Board and each staff member employed by the Board is provided with a welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environment that respects diversity and fosters a sense of belonging.

All stakeholders in the success and well-being of students, and especially the students themselves, are expected to recognize their responsibilities in developing student self-discipline within a culture of wellness. Staff members and students will not be discriminated against as provided for in the Alberta Human Rights Act or the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Discipline Policy

At Westview School School, we believe that students have the right to learn without interference; to participate without intimidation; to be treated with respect and to be safe and secure. Discipline is seen as an ongoing process rather than an event. Success is most likely to occur when home and school work together in the best interest of the child. Students are encouraged to make positive choices. Students are held accountable for their own behaviour. Cooperation, mutual respect, and trust, create a positive school environment for growth and learning. Students found to not be following the expectations for behaviour will be held subject to the consequences outlined in Parkland School Division Administrative Procedure 360.

Academic Expectations

Students are expected to bring materials to class, participate actively and positively in class activities, and complete assigned homework to the best of their ability. These behaviours are essential for students to reach their academic potential.

Playground Safety

Students are expected to play safely and use equipment wisely. Playgrounds are typically accessed by students in K-6 for the most part during recess time. If a Grade 7-9 student is on the playground and behaving in a respectful manner they are welcome to continue to use the equipment; if behaviour becomes a concern they will be referred to the office. In addition, there are basketball nets on the tarmac for all grades to play with. In the field there are places to play football, soccer, baseball and even Frisbee. Students are to be mindful and play with students of the same age. Supervisors are out and about to ensure safe playing is occurring.

Respect for Others

Students are expected to demonstrate respect for others by being courteous and well-mannered, being tolerant of others, being cooperative with school staff, using appropriate language, observing safe practices, and being accountable to all members of the school community. Harassment of others, in any form, will not be tolerated.

Respect for Property

Students are expected to respect and care for the property of others. Damage, theft, or misuse of school or personal property is unacceptable behaviour and students will be expected to pay or compensate in some way for the damage. Students are expected to assist in keeping our school a place to be proud of that is safe and clean.

Respect for Self

Students are expected to show respect towards themselves and their own property. No student in our school is old enough to legally purchase/possess/use tobacco, alcohol or vaping products. It is illegal for them to purchase/possess illicit drugs and drug paraphernalia. Students in possession and/or using these substances will be faced with suspension and possible expulsion. 

Specific Guidelines

The following specific guidelines help to create a positive learning environment:

  • Students play outside in the playground in the morning before school (other than inclement weather).
  • During recess and lunch students are to play outside (other than during inclement weather), within school boundaries.
  • Snowballs, sticks, rocks, and sand must not be thrown.
  • Fighting is not allowed; piggy backing and play fighting are not permitted as they often lead to further problems.
  • Students are asked to leave toys of personal value at home as we are not responsible for them.
  • Students are not expected to remove their hats/caps/hoods in the school other than for O Canada, speakers and assemblies. From time to time a school ban may occur due to high incidences of disrespectful behaviour.

Student Dress Code

Students are expected to dress in appropriate clothing when attending Stony Plain Central. Rather than trying to describe the things that they can’t wear, we are focusing on helping them to make appropriate choices that demonstrate respect for themselves in the same way that discipline is an individual journey, and will require more or less guidance on an ongoing basis.

Bikes, Scooters and Skateboards

All bikes, scooters and skateboards are expected to be locked and secured outside of the school on one of the racks provided. There are two main bike racks at the front of the school and three skateboard/scooter racks by the front entrance. As well, there are two skateboard/scooter racks on the back tarmac. Students are expected to bring a lock and secure their belongings during the day. 

Electronics Policy (iPods, Cell Phones, etc.)

Many students come to school each day with personally owned devices (cell phones, iPods, etc). Students using personally owned devices during the school day are expected to demonstrate respect and to follow the direction of staff (i.e. if a staff member asks a student to put a device away, it is expected that they comply with this request). Devices should not be used during instruction, however, are used by many students during independent work time as a way to listen to music.

At the end of the day, if the device is becoming a distraction or is having a negative impact on the learning environment it can be taken away for the rest of the block. If the issue continues then the student can be sent down to the office to discuss it further with school administration. As well, the device may be held until a parent/guardian is able to come to the school to retrieve it. 

Parkland School Division Code of Conduct

In Parkland School Division, all members of our school community are expected to promote and demonstrate respect, civility and responsible citizenship.

With these goals in mind, everyone must:

  • Demonstrate honesty and integrity.
  • Respect differences in people, their ideas and their opinions.
  • Acknowledge the right of everyone to be treated with dignity, at all times.
  • Take appropriate measures to help those in need.
  • Use non-violent means to resolve conflict.
  • Honour the role(s) of persons in positions of authority.
  • Show care and regard for school property and the property of others.
  • Comply with all applicable federal, provincial and municipal laws.

We are all models for the kinds of citizens we desire to be. We teach and learn by example.

The Division’s expectations for conduct are outlined in the following documents: